• Verbrauchsmaterialien
  • Columns
  • Modules
  • Other
  • Software
AZURA® V 4.1 Säulenschaltventil, Special 10-Port o. Antrieb, für 7 Säulen, 1 Bypass und Rückfluss, 16 Ports, 1/16" UNF10-32, 0.75 mm Bohrung, 200 bar, PEEK/PEEK
Biokompatibles Säulenauswahlventil für 7 Säulen, eine Bypass-Position und Rückfluss. Natürliche PEEK-Stator und PEEK-TX-Rotordichtung.
B.Braun Injekt® Luer Lock 5 mL Syringes Pkg.100st.
2-part disposable syringes, 100 pcs
18,00 € 18.0 EUR
ProntoSIL 120-5 Diol Säule 250 x 4.6 mm
High quality, fully porous silica particles with polar diol modification, without endcapping.

540,00 € 540.0 EUR
AppliChrom StyDiViBe-P-100 GPC, 100-10, 300 x 20 mm, Trennbereich 100-10000 Da
For high performance, interaction free GPC with rigid, fully porous styrenedivinylbenzene copolymer. Higly pressure stable and robust.
6.189,00 € 6189.0 EUR
Eurospher II 100-3 Diol Säule 150 x 4.6 mm
High-purity, high-performance HPLC phase based on fully porous silica particles with hydrophobic C18 modification.
325,00 € 325.0 EUR
Eurospher II 100-3 Si Column 150 x 4.6 mm
High-purity, high-performance HPLC phase based on fully porous silica particles with hydrophobic C18 modification.
325,00 € 325.0 EUR
ProntoSIL 120-5 C18 ace-EPS 150 x 4.6 mm
High quality, fully porous silica particles with polar diol modification, without endcapping.

400,00 € 400.0 EUR
Water Bottle (Insulated) "I love HPLC"
blue, 500ml, recycled stainless steel, double-walled
13,00 € 13.0 EUR
Eurospher II 100-3 NH2 Säule 150 x 3 mm
Multimode column for RP, NP, HILIC and IC, aminopropyl modification without endcapping, high mechanical stability.
313,00 € 313.0 EUR