AZURA® V 4.1 Ventil, Manuell 8Port 2Pos, 500 bar, 1/16" 10-32 UNF, SSt-DLC, 0.75 mm Bohrung, SSt-DLC/PEEK
Ventil für hohen Probendurchsatz oder Säulenrückspülung. DLC-beschichteter SSt-Stator und PEEK-Rotordichtung.
The configuration of this manual injection valve allows high-throughput analysis as sample loading and
injection are parallized. In position 1, the sample is loaded to sample loop B, while sample from loop A is injected. In position 2, the sample of sample loop B is injected onto the column. In parallel, sample can be loaded again into loop A.
A second application is reducing analysis time for samples with late-eluting compounds, which are not relevant for sample analysis. In position 1, the sample is injected onto the column. After relevant compounds were separated and detected, the valve is switched to position 2. Undesired, strongly retarded compounds are backflushed and removed to prepare the column for the next separation. Also, in
this position the sample loop is loaded.
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