AZURA® CT 2.1 Säulenthermostat für bis zu 8 HPLC-Säulen mit Temperaturbereich zwischen 5-85°C
Geeignet für analytische und semipräparative Säulen bis zu ID 8 mm. In besonderen Fällen ist ID 16 mm möglich.
The AZURA® CT 2.1 is a price attractive basic column thermostat. It allows temperature control in the range of 5 to 85 °C and thus is appropriate for most HPLC applications. For advanced purification and analysis purposes, the oven can optionally be equipped with an eluent pre-heating cartridge. This ensures even more constant separation conditions leading to higher selectivity and an improved peak shape. The instrument operates with a microprocessor controlled Peltier element for precise temperature settings. In combination with its high temperature stability, this allows programming of linear as well as non-linear temperature gradients.
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Systeme, Komponenten und Service für (U)HPLC, Prep-LC, FPLC und Osmometrie.