AZURA® UVD 2.1S UV Detektor Modul für ASM 2.2L - LWL Ausführung
ohne Test- und Flusszelle, ohne Lichtwellenleiter, 190-500 nm
The KANUER AZURA® UVD 2.1S Fiber Optics Version is a highly competitive single-variable wavelength UV detector designed for HPLC applications. It is equipped with a deuterium lamp that covers a wavelength range from 190 to 500 nm. The detector features excellent technical specifications for routine laboratory work and its compact design makes it one of the smallest detectors for HPLC currently available on the market.
This fiber optics version of the detector allows for the spatial separation of the flow cell from the device, thus offering enhanced safety for hazardous, explosive or toxic work processes. The flow cell is easily accessible, enabling quick change when necessary. Users can choose from a wide range of flow cells with either bio-inert or stainless-steel wetted parts, suitable for both analytical and preparative LC applications, with flow rates ranging from 10 μl/min to 10 l/min.
This type of the AZURA® UVD 2.1S is a module for the LC docking station and must be integrated into the AZURA® ASM 2.2L.
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Systeme, Komponenten und Service für (U)HPLC, Prep-LC, FPLC und Osmometrie.