AZURA® UVD 2.1L UV/VIS Detektor
mit Testzelle, ohne Flusszelle, 190-750 nm
The KNAUER AZURA® UVD 2.1L UV/VIS Detector is a competitively priced HPLC spectrophotometer designed for routine HPLC applications, including fast LC methods. It is equipped with a deuterium lamp that covers a wavelength range from 190 to 750 nm. This robust detector not only offers excellent technical specifications but also features a highly flexible and compact design.
Due to the detector’s smart design, the flow cell is easily accessible and can thus be changed very quickly. Users can choose from a wide range of flow cells with either bio-inert or stainless-steel wetted parts, suitable for both analytical and preparative LC applications, with flow rates ranging from 10 μl/min to 10 l/min.
The UVD 2.1L can be controlled using ClarityChrom®, OpenLAB®, Chromeleon™, ChromGate® and PurityChrom® software, as well as Mobile Control software for stand-alone operation. Control can be achieved via LAN or through analog input/output, allowing for seamless integration into almost any LC system.
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Systeme, Komponenten und Service für (U)HPLC, Prep-LC, FPLC und Osmometrie.