SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500 LC-MS/MS System
inklusive Software und Installation
The SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500 MS/MS system is a high sensitivity, bench top triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer designed for various LC-MS/MS analyses. It offers superior quantitative performance combined with excellent robustness and long-term stability. Fast scan speeds and short dwell times make this MS system ideal for (U)HPLC applications.
Key features include:
- Reliable quantitation of sharp UHPLC peaks, along with unmatched support for fast chromatography applications involving thousands of analytes, provided by the eQ™ electronics and Qurved LINAC® collision cell.
- High sensitivity analysis across a wide range of flow rates with quick change ESI and APCI probes using the Turbo V™ Ion Source.
- Enhanced ion transmission for ultimate sensitivity through better collisional focusing with the QJet® ion guide.
- More accurate and precise ion detection over a wide dynamic range thanks to the AcQuRate™ pulse counting detector.
- Manage repeated injections of complex samples and minimize downtime, ensured by the Turbo V™ Ion Source and Curtain Gas™ Interface.
Applications include food and environmental contaminant screening, targeted quantitative proteomics, or forensic and clinical research.
Simple and fast data acquisition, processing and quantitation is powered by SCIEX OS software.
The SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500 LC-MS/MS System is the workhorse triple quad mass spectrometer for dependable everyday use. It sets a new benchmark for reliable quantitation, even for the most demanding applications. Expand your lab’s potential with LC-MS/MS today.
Note: The SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500 LC-MS/MS system is only available in the DACH region.
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Systeme, Komponenten und Service für (U)HPLC, Prep-LC, FPLC und Osmometrie.