UV Flusszelle, Nano, LWL, 3 mm, 6 nl, Quarzglas, 375 µm OD, 300 bar, bis 1 µl/min
The award winning KNAUER nano flow cell with fiber optic connectors combined with our excellent AZURA® UV detectors is the perfect choice for UV monitoring at low flow rates, particularly in connection with an MS detector. The flow cell can be located directly behind the column in order to minimalize extra column volume and consequently improve peak shape.
This nano flow cell is compatible with the KNAUER fiber optic version detectors AZURA® UVD 2.1S, UVD 2.1L and BlueShadow 40D. The flow cell can be also used with the AZURA DAD 6.1L, DAD 2.1L, and MWD 2.1L detectors together with the Fiber Optics Adapter Kit AMKX8KIT.
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Systeme, Komponenten und Service für (U)HPLC, Prep-LC, FPLC und Osmometrie.